Enter if you dare....mohaha!!
Published on March 12, 2005 By carolelee In WinCustomize Talk
When I "purchased Windowblinds" awhile back I was under the impression I had "indefinite downloads(with windowblinds)now I'm not allowed to download anymore because I'm a past customer? Why renege? Is this the right approach to keep customers? I am left to wonder what has happened to this place I used to call home?
Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 12, 2005
JamMeister, I did not subsribe to windowblinds, I bought the software......big difference
on Mar 12, 2005
Not really, you "purchased" it, but still have to pay for it every year.. I call that a subscription, not a purchase.. wouldn't you?
on Mar 12, 2005
I reiterate: The issue is not about any membership fees or their worth...... carolelee is referring to her purchase of "WindowBlinds" and the original provisions of that purchase.
on Mar 12, 2005
reiterate: The issue is not about any membership fees or their worth...... carolelee is referring to her purchase of "WindowBlinds" and the original provisions of that purchase.
Thank you Lady Aarielle

on Mar 12, 2005
I believe that WindowBlinds can be purchased in CD form or directly online.
on Mar 12, 2005
Okay, can you cut and paste a copy of the original provisions here?
That would certainly prove your point beyond a shadow of a doubt!
on Mar 12, 2005
...ok don't get mad. But even if you buy software (PSP9, photoshop, Microsoft Office) you have to buy upgrades. Is that what the additional charge is for?
on Mar 12, 2005
Carolelee, the fastest way to deal with this issue is to either email or call Stardock support and have them explain or fix the problem.
Posting the problem here only gets you a lot of mixed feedback and at the end only the people at Stardock are the ones capable of dealing with this.
on Mar 13, 2005
You're welcome, carolelee.

I originally bought the CD and after discovering that this was a reputable site, I puchased online.
on Mar 13, 2005
I bought it online with the understandingunlimited downloads.....I would buy a subsciption in a heartbeat but that is notthe point
on Mar 13, 2005
Strange bugs in here....I can't edit and I spaced my words
on Mar 13, 2005
As Apocalypse_67 states there is no point to posting the provisions here as Stardock is the only one that can resolve this matter.
on Mar 13, 2005
I'm sorry carolelee, I don't mean to upset you... you should definitely contact someone at Stardock and ask them to clear this up for you..
on Mar 13, 2005
Jam, I not mad at you, please don't get me wrong.......as for Stardock, that is a lost cause(SORRY)they don't get back to you.....trust me! Too big for their britches, I guess
on Mar 13, 2005
Try contacting Patrick Ford [pford@stardock.com] about your problem, he helped me with mine very quickly!
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