Enter if you dare....mohaha!!
Published on March 12, 2005 By carolelee In WinCustomize Talk
When I "purchased Windowblinds" awhile back I was under the impression I had "indefinite downloads(with windowblinds)now I'm not allowed to download anymore because I'm a past customer? Why renege? Is this the right approach to keep customers? I am left to wonder what has happened to this place I used to call home?
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on Mar 12, 2005
William. at the time...that wording didn't exsist.....as sbgFX said.....so very true......without warning
on Mar 12, 2005
not everyone. Just a suggestion on how it should read. Not how it does read
on Mar 12, 2005
You know, that 20 bucks is actually for TWO years.. compare that to Deviantart which charges 30 bucks for ONE year membership...
on Mar 12, 2005
Actually, it cost me more because of the exchange rate.......I like this site but when they change the gameplan......I get miffed
on Mar 12, 2005
You know, that 20 bucks is actually for TWO years.. compare that to Deviantart which charges 30 bucks for ONE year membership...

I agree. She's miffed because, I reckon, she would have preferred spending 30 upfront [or 50, 60?] to keep the unlimited downloads.

What if I sell someone my old sofa for 15 dollars but don't take into account the purchase of a new one [or whatever] - Would I be fair in somehow making the buyer fork out more because of a potential oversight on my part? Should I charge 30 more dollars because, afterall, I DO need a new sofa. Should I then inform them that me asking for more for the sofa a year later is TOTALLY FAIR because they'd STILL be getting it cheaper than at IKEA?
on Mar 12, 2005
I love IKEA
on Mar 12, 2005
PS: If a Safeway employee accidentally undercharges for all plums that day, and 50000 plums are sold in that store, Safeway doesn't impose a "plum charge" because of someone's oversight. Safeway [if they were smart] would THEN ensure all FUTURE employees are well-trained on pricing the produce rather than make each of the 5000 plum-customers pay 50 cents on their next shopping spree, on top of the 1.99 they spent last week.
on Mar 12, 2005
Sorry, off the point.
on Mar 12, 2005
Thanks for understanding where I'm coming from Spyder......this is my point!
on Mar 12, 2005
Erm I meant 5,000 on both accounts up there.. wouldn't let me edit it ..
on Mar 12, 2005
I reread the original post and the issue is not about any membership fees or their worth...... carolelee is referring to her purchase of "WindowBlinds" and the original provisions of that purchase.
on Mar 12, 2005
..and if a notice is posted, it should be honored. Until they can change the wording.
on Mar 12, 2005
When you purchase something, you know what you are buying and you understand the conditions, it could be clothing, furniture....whatever. You find out if it can be returned, warrenty......whatever. This is the same with Stardock.....no where at the time did it state any download caps.......I feel misled!!
on Mar 12, 2005
I understand your being miffed about this carolelee and I certainly sympathize..
However, I don't recall being offered unlimited downloading privileges by subscribing to windowblinds.. that only seems to come with the wincustomize browser subscription.
I may be wrong about that though, so I should probably shut up...
on Mar 12, 2005
and if a notice is posted, it should be honored. Until they can change the wording.

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