Enter if you dare....mohaha!!
Published on August 23, 2004 By carolelee In WinCustomize Talk
I had problems with the previous version and I'm still having the same issues. Microsoft error message report keeps popping up "DX must close...yada, yada > I have cleaned my registry and made sure there are no left overs, I have rebooted, ect. What more can I do? I took a screen shot of the error message.......can anyone help me figure this problem out.......pretty please?
Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Aug 23, 2004
Sent ya a reply Carole, happy to hear it's working again!
on Aug 23, 2004
on Aug 23, 2004

glad to hear you got it sorted Carole, and it's handy to know that vbscript can go haywire sometimes and is reinstallable
on Aug 23, 2004
Wow, I never have experienced anything like that scripting horror story Was it ever frustrating.......thanks for remembering Tiggz......all is well
2 Pages1 2