Enter if you dare....mohaha!!
Published on November 10, 2003 By carolelee In WinCustomize Talk
It is interesting to know what people do for a living at this site. I am an apprentice industrial insulator by trade. Never a dull moment on the job and it is cool that more and more women are getting into the trades, keep the men on their toes!
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on Nov 12, 2003
IT Systems Administrator for a safety product company....earplugs,safety glasses, that sort of stuff. Before that Assistant General Manager & Technical manager for Entertainment companies in Indianapolis, Las Vegas & Orange CA.....Before that 12 yrs as a copier repairman...and before that a carpenter till i cut a couple fingers off back in '83. Part time rock-star when I was young..WOW, that was looong ago! Of course since my kids are almost all grown I still want to be a rock star, astronaut & beach bum surfer.
on Nov 12, 2003
Work At Aflac Aflac AFFFFFFFllllllllaaaaacccc
on Nov 12, 2003
@ WhiteMoth
Old Crab, I am doing all I can
This time I am self-employed.
on Nov 12, 2003

#52 by IPlural - 11/11/2003 1:40:29 PM
Still have my FM-2's Quantum packs, couple of muslims drops, stands and stuff.

You could send them to me   I'm sure that would *really* make your wife happy!

Old Crab, I eat tons of rice.....  But, I'll take some of that sake when you're done, too

Meyend Tripp, have you met the duck in person   We have Aflac coverage here for our cafeteria plan.  Has worked out beautifully.

on Nov 12, 2003
What do I do? One guess.

BTW, the IB drum solo remains the best in rock and I still stand, hand-over-heart for Born to be Wild (except when used for commercials)

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on Nov 12, 2003
ski patroller
independant web contractor
independantly wealthy

depends on the season really
on Nov 12, 2003
I'm an Actuary, for those who know what it is...
on Nov 12, 2003
Wow That's cool windKnot!...Grouper get huge!!!! Biggest one I got with the downrigger was about 300 lbs....fun isn't it??? Man you lucky lucky dog still out there fishing!!! I remember once we couldn't figure out why...at first...there were squid all over the place going nuts....and right behind em a huge kingfish run...we netted up a bunch of squid n had inkfights!! it was great...you just hold em point em and squeeze hehehe Used amberjack for cutbait to help keep our salted herring supply good ....lotta puppy sharks..tiger sharks...some little red eye...triggerfish ...barracuda were awesome...no good for market though...mostly sold the red snapper, redeye, grouper, triggerfish, cisco, kingfish...caught sea snakes once in a while...weird critter those!!
on Nov 12, 2003
Loved Iron Butterfly!!! Favorite song was flip side of Inagaddadavida....was Flowers and Beads and Most Anything That You Want...Used to fall asleep listening to that album...
on Nov 12, 2003
sea Snakes are kinda neat really, though dangeruos as you can get

we had a call to the police in Clearwater one morning and they taped off a block and allowed no one near it. Called in the body bag guys and they found out it wasn't a human though it was as big as one, it was the carcas of a Jewfish someone had caught, butchered and dumped down town

JF are really BIG Grouper

I think I want to be Bill Gates when I grow up?

But have found I really do not like working *on* computers much anymore. Working *with* them would be much nicer. <--(token topic tickler )
on Nov 13, 2003
When I lived in California I was mechanical assembly at 3com then cisco. Help desk at national semiconductor. Now in Texas I'm part time sales in Bealls department store. Next year I'm hoping to collect cans for aliving.
on Nov 13, 2003

With a final promotion to head cardboard sign holder at the closest on ramp?
"Will Skin for Food"
on Nov 13, 2003
I've got a psrt time job at our local library.

When I'm not there, I'm skinning or something on the trusty 'puter.
on Nov 13, 2003
LMAO!!! You're all CRAZY!!!! Will Skin for Food Indeed!!! lol IPlural! hahahaha
on Nov 13, 2003
I manage a backpacker hostel in (paradise) Far North Queensland, Australia.
I've had over 25 years in hospitality/tourism. You name it.... if it's hospitality I've probably done it.
But this is probably the best job I've ever had. I get to deal with a new bunch of folks, both young and not-so-young, nearly every day. There's never a dull moment... ever! Oh some of the stories I could tell!
When I'm not doing the above, my computer rules my life, and I'm happy to let it.

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