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Carolelee's World
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What do you do for a living?
Published on November 10, 2003 By
WinCustomize Talk
It is interesting to know what people do for a living at this site. I am an apprentice industrial insulator by trade. Never a dull moment on the job and it is cool that more and more women are getting into the trades, keep the men on their toes!
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Comments (Page 2)
6 Pages
on Nov 10, 2003
We should have had the original one of these as a 'sticky'....talk about common thread...
on Nov 10, 2003
I tried to look for it, Paul...Then "Poof" WC went awol for a bit.
on Nov 10, 2003
Full time high school student
, you all are too old
. It's ok old people are cool
Fuzzy Logic
on Nov 10, 2003
Q: What do you do for a living?
A: I make threads sticky...
on Nov 10, 2003
I found one of them.........https://www.wincustomize.com/msgboard.asp?id=173668&BID=WC&page=1#174482
on Nov 10, 2003
Right now not too desperately looking for work unemployed
hmm man I'm an old fart lol Leonhart ya brat lol...I started out in an Italian Bakery at 13 for a while in the kitchen..babysat from 8 yrs old before that..worked burger joints, mall at a candle and head shop...before paraphenalia was evil...worked data input and secretarial/general office back when a system crash meant 'spaghetti' (cassette tape drives)
...then I started playing little big woman and went through some stages like cowgirl( hack and greenbreaking), hippy, road rat, did some newspaper typesetting, more secretarial, um...gets vague in the middle there hehehe
oh yeah i got married raised 2 kids worked factory for a while...then I started to settle down and worked greenskeeping on golf courses for a few years...more secretarial, some grocery clerking in between here and there...Firefighting somewhere in there for a few years during the golf course and grocery store days....Oh yeah!!!...was a door gal at a bar in Odessa Texas for a while...bartended at another (that was back in the glory days again) ....aw heck now I live up in the middle of the armpit of the north...no jobs...tired of busting myself for a living and the gals up here don't let go of their office jobs for anything...the commute is a booger if I want to get one cuz winter is pretty harsh up here...so....I've picked up the pen and paper again (so to speak) and hope to publish a book someday if I can ever get this random puddle of muck together enough to present...and I sure wish I could do what you skinners do cuz it's awesome!!!
In the meantime I rake leaves stack wood shovel snow and whatever else I need to do around here to 'earn my keep'
Am a Great big sci fi fan...I pretend my desktop is Uhura's console hehehe
and I fight fits of megalomania hahaha ar ar
Site musta been busy today
cuz it was unavailable for a while...good to have it back... Zoo work would be awesome!!!
cept I think I know about the shovelin and liming lol...I guess I'ma gittin old
on Nov 10, 2003
I try to figure out what I want to be when all of me grows up one day
I've a lot of things in the works all at one time, chaos is key
But right now IT pays bills.
Oh and I am considering volunteering for the St Petersburg GP next year. This year
I 've surprised my wife with day/pit passes. Last year I wanted to take some
digital pic's for someone and missed out. This year I won't depend on someone else
to get me in
They just ran in Australia 3 weeks ago I think from what the guy at the promo tent
was telling me when I was checking out one of the display car/shell's.
Next year I will be working with the guy for the sign in, he said I would get to see
most of the racing doing that? not sure but hoping
on Nov 10, 2003
I am. And I do.
on Nov 10, 2003
Oh!! I forgot the best part.....when I was down in Fla back in 77 and part of 78 I worked outta Ponce Inlet a couple of snapper boats.(no laughing)
commercial fishing...started as galley cook and kinda had a knack for a downrigger...caught fish into my own rig...starboard midship was out to sea couple weeks at a time ...was incredible!! lotta strange times there boy!!
on Nov 10, 2003
Jafo thinks he should just save a text article about what he does and post it each and every time the topic comes up.....save on typing....
on Nov 10, 2003
A unemployed college bum.
on Nov 10, 2003
Sounds like you have lots of experience in the day to day grind of the work-a-day world, footsie and I'm sure some good jobs and some not so good but it makes this life interesting
on Nov 10, 2003
At the moment I am Unemployed, on SSD for the time being. Getting paid to go to school at ITT - Tech. Learning Web Development. Actually expanding my knowledge you could say plus getting the nice piece of paper saying that I know what I'm talking about. Going to go for my A+ Cert soon.
Used to be at the Sheetz Help Desk. Fixing computers, taking customer complaints, helping the stores in any way possible, etc.
I think that's all. O' I sit in front of the computer basically all day you could say.
on Nov 10, 2003
#98 by Admin Jafo - 11/10/2003 11:12:30 PM
Self-employed building designer [Architect].....in my spare time......but mostly I help administer a website you 'may' be familiar with...
When doing neither, I mess with computers [where 'mess' is the operative word]...by making life complicated for myself....
Now if only GP Officialling was a 'paid job' I'd probably just do that, and to heck with Councils, clients, and Planning Regulations and recalcitrant Objectors....
on Nov 11, 2003
Retired (great occupation) to a sub-tropical Island off the east coast of Oz. Play competition golf on a wonderful sand belt course (3 times a week). Religiously read the WC message board, download skins and things (Really enjoy Wincustomise). Paddle with the Dolphins. My small dog takes me for bush walks. My wife paints-(Watercolours). Forgot to mention - On the golf course we have Roos, Dingos, Ducks, lizards, Snakes. The visiting Pro's call it the Barnyard. However living just up the track is Keith Irwin (Crocodile Man) at his Australia Zoo. Life is pretty good, touch wood.
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